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(Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship)

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship(APJBVE) provides a refereed and authoritative source of information and international forum in the field of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship, and related topics. It offers an interface between Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship, as well as business corporate strategy and government economic policy. APJBVE are published 4 times a year by KSBV(Korean Society of Business Venturing).

Application Form

The Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship is published quarterly by the Korean Society of Business Venturing(KSBV) located at 1463-10 3rd Floor, Seo-Cho 3 Dong, Seo-Cho Gu, Seoul, Korea. For more information, please contact us(Tel. +82-2-2055-2070 Fax. +82-2-2055-2928; E-mail : kbr1027@paran.com).

Membership of the KSBV can be acquired by filling out and sending us the application form available on the website www.ksbv.or.kr. Any correspondence that concerns the membership or subscription to the Journal should be directed to the KSBV secretariat via E-mail.
Manuscripts should be sent directly to the Secretariat via e-mail. There is no special fee charged for manuscripts submitted from abroad. Please refer to the style instruction form manuscripts included in the Journal before the submission.

The publisher of the Journal is
Copyright@ 2008 Korean Society of Business Venturing.


Submission of Manuscripts